Terms of service

1. General principles

Kien Cuong Company Limited is the owner and operator of the website civetcoffee.com.vn. This website serves all customers in 63 provinces and cities in Vietnam, including customers interested in Kien Cuong's products who do not have time to experience it at the facility.

All products are sold at civetcoffee.com.vn All meet all legal regulations, excluding counterfeit goods, goods of unknown origin or hand-carried goods. Trading activities at civetcoffee.com.vn is carried out openly, transparently and ensures the rights of consumers.

2. General regulations

Website civetcoffee.com.vn is developed by Kien Cuong Company Limited. Website has domain name https://civetcoffee.com.vn//

General definition:

The seller is Kien Cuong Company Limited

Buyers are Vietnamese citizens across 63 provinces and cities. Buyers have the right to register an account or not need to register to make transactions.

Members include both buyers and those who refer to information and discuss on the website.

The content of this Regulation complies with current regulations of Vietnam. Member when joining the website civetcoffee.com.vn must learn about their legal responsibilities under current Vietnamese laws and commit to strictly implementing the contents of this Regulation.

3. Transaction process

For shoppers at website shop.opcpharma.com

Step 1: Find the product to buy.

Step 2: View detailed information about that product, if you agree to order, please contact phone number: 0935 720 099

Step 3: Please provide complete information according to the purchase form:

Full name; Phone number; Email, address

– Choose delivery method: Door to door delivery

– Choose payment method: Cash upon delivery or bank transfer

Step 4: After receiving the buyer's order, civetcoffee.com.vn will contact the customer via the phone number provided by the customer using switchboard 0935 720 099 to verify order information.

Step 5: civetcoffee.com.vn Home delivery to customers

For sellers

Preparation for content production includes: actual product images or images provided by the manufacturer, introductory articles, and product information.

Enter data using a separate management tool for employees civetcoffee.com.vn

Image formats used on the website: jpg, png.

Shipping and receiving process

civetcoffee.com.vn Make deliveries nationwide. When receiving an order from the buyer and after confirming the purchase information over the phone, civetcoffee.com.vn Delivery will be made according to customer's request

Free delivery for invoices from 1,000,000 VND.

For inter-province/city delivery orders or orders under 1,000,000 VND, staff Kien Cuong Company Limited will advise in detail on the most convenient delivery method. Shipping costs and shipping time will be provided to customers when staff call to advise customers.

Identify the responsibilities of traders and organizations providing logistics services for providing goods documents during the delivery process.

All orders are packaged and ready to be shipped by Kien Cuong Company Limited.

The shipping unit will only be responsible for transporting goods according to the principle of "in original packaging, in original packaging".

On the packaging of all orders there is information:

Recipient information, including: Recipient name, phone number and recipient address

Bill of lading code of the order

To ensure the safety of goods, Kien Cuong Company Limited A valid financial invoice or delivery note of the product will be included in the parcel (if any).

Financial invoices or warehouse delivery notes are the basis to support the complaint handling process such as: determining the market value of goods, ensuring valid circulation of goods, etc.

Time of inspection

After receiving the goods, customers check and discover errors and can contact the e-commerce department via phone number 0935 720 099 for return support. Note, please record a video when opening the box for comparison when necessary.

Scope of goods inspection

Customers can check the product after receiving it from the delivery staff according to the following criteria:

– According to basic goods attributes including: product name, unit of measure, quantity, packaging specifications, etc.

– According to the model displayed by the product photo saved when placing an order and after being confirmed by the staff.

– Note that during the goods inspection process, customers do not peel or open product boxes with seals or guarantee stamps.

Conditions for returning products

Customers need to check the condition of the goods and can exchange/return the goods in the following cases:

– The goods do not match the type or design in the order placed or on the website at the time of ordering.

– Not enough quantity, not enough sets as in the order.

– External conditions are affected such as torn packaging, peeling, breakage, etc.

– The goods are defective due to the manufacturer.

You can check the goods right at the time of receipt and may not receive the goods if one of the above errors occurs. In case the goods are inspected later, the goods will be notified and sent within the time period specified in section 3.

In case return is not applicable

– Opened goods can be exchanged/returned if there is a manufacturer error.

– The time since receiving the goods has exceeded the specified time frame for exchange/return (specified in “Product warranty and return process”).

– Goods in promotional programs clearly state the conditions of non-return.

Warranty and product return process

– Return notification time: within 72 hours of receiving the product in case the product is not as ordered, or broken; within 7 days for manufacturer defects.

– Notification method: Call 0935 720 099 or email dom.manhcuong62@gmail.com

Time Kien Cuong Company Limited Send and return product: within 14 days of receiving the returned product from the Buyer.

– Product return location: Customers can bring goods directly to the Company or send them by post at the delivery address below.

Delivery address: No. 05 Hoang Hoa Tham Street, Block 8, Tan Tien Ward, City. Buon Ma Thuot, Dak Lak.

4. Payment process

Buyers can refer to the following payment methods and apply the appropriate method:

Method 1: Pay later (COD - delivery and collection):

– Step 1: Buyers find out information about the posted product.

– Step 2: Buyer authenticates order (phone, text, email).

– Step 3: Seller confirms Buyer information.

– Step 4: The seller delivers the goods.

– Step 5: Buyer pays in cash and receives the goods.

Method 2: Pay online via bank transfer:

– Step 1: Buyers find out information about the products and services posted.

– Step 2: Buyer authenticates order (phone, text, email).

– Step 3: Seller confirms Buyer information.

– Step 4: Buyer pays.

– Step 5: The seller delivers the goods.

– Step 6: Buyer checks and receives goods.

5. Ensure transaction safety

Website management board civetcoffee.com.vn has used security services to protect information about product content on the website to ensure transactions are conducted successfully and minimize risks that may arise.

Buyers should provide complete information (name, address, phone number, email) when making a purchase civetcoffee.com.vn so that we can contact the buyer in case a problem arises.

To protect the interests of the buyer and minimize risks that may arise, in the case of receiving goods at the buyer's home, the buyer should only pay after checking the goods in detail and satisfied with the product.

6. Confidentiality of customer information
a. Purpose and scope of collection

civetcoffee.com.vn Committed to protecting your private information. Please read the "Privacy Policy" below to better understand the commitments we make to respect and protect the rights of visitors:

Customer's personal information includes: Email, full name, phone number, contact... okay civetcoffee.com.vn Used to perform transactions as well as advise and confirm orders.

Customers are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided civetcoffee.com.vn. In case the customer provides inaccurate or dishonest information, civetcoffee.com.vn is not responsible for resolving related issues that arise.

b. Scope of information use

civetcoffee.com.vn Collect and use customer personal information for appropriate purposes and fully comply with the content of this "Privacy Policy". When necessary, we can use this information to contact you directly in the following forms: order confirmation, order submission.

c. Address of the unit that collects and manages personal information

Business registration address: No. 05 Hoang Hoa Tham Street, Block 8, Tan Tien Ward, City. Buon Ma Thuot, Dak Lak

– Phone number: 0935 720 099

d. Means and tools for users to access and edit personal data

Currently, the website is still in the process of implementing a member's personal information management page. To access and edit personal data, we apply the following methods:

– Call the customer care switchboard:

If users want to change or update personal information, they can call 0935 720 099. Information reception staff will assist with editing as requested.

e. Committed to protecting customer personal information

Personal information of the above member civetcoffee.com.vn Committed to absolute confidentiality according to our personal information protection policy civetcoffee.com.vn. The collection and use of each member's information is only carried out with the customer's consent and unless otherwise prescribed by law.

Do not use, transfer, provide or disclose to any third party the member's personal information without the member's consent.

civetcoffee.com.vn Requires individuals, when registering/purchasing as members, to provide all relevant personal information such as: Full name, contact address, email, phone and is responsible for legality. of the above information civetcoffee.com.vn is not responsible nor will we resolve any complaints related to that Member's rights if it is deemed that all of that member's personal information provided upon initial registration is inaccurate.

7. Manage bad information

Membership regulations

Members ensure confidentiality and maintain safety for all service usage activities by protecting their personal registration name and password information. If there is any unauthorized use, abuse, breach of security, or disclosure of the registration name and password to a third party, the member is responsible for promptly notifying the website. civetcoffee.com.vn to take appropriate remedial measures.

Members are not allowed to perform the following actions with the service provided by the website civetcoffee.com.vn provide, unless otherwise expressly agreed by the website:

  1. You may not change, modify, assign, copy, transmit, distribute, or make available to third parties any part of the service.
  2. Do not create tools or applications similar to the service without the consent of the website civetcoffee.com.vn according to the Regulations.
  3. Do not take actions that may discredit the website civetcoffee.com.vn, including using a second registered name, through a third party or propagating information that may negatively affect the reputation of the website civetcoffee.com.vn.

8. Responsibility in case of technical errors

Website civetcoffee.com.vn Committed to doing our best to ensure the safety and stability of the entire technical system. However, in case a problem occurs due to an error on the part of civetcoffee.com.vn, we will immediately apply necessary measures to protect the rights of buyers.

Members conducting transactions on the website must strictly comply with the instructions provided.

Website management board civetcoffee.com.vn Committed to providing the best quality service to all members participating in the transaction. In case of technical errors or objective problems leading to members being unable to participate in transactions, we request members to notify us via email address dom.manhcuong62@gmail.com or Phone number 0935 720 099 (working hours from 7:30 - 16:30 all days of the week). We will fix the error in the shortest possible time, creating favorable conditions for members to make transactions on the website. civetcoffee.com.vn.

However, we are not responsible for resolving problems that arise in case of notification from members who cannot coordinate with the Management Board, or due to technical errors, transmission errors or other problems. caused by the Management Board.

9. Rights and obligations of website management board civetcoffee.com.vn
a. Rights of the Management Board of civetcoffee.com.vn

Website civetcoffee.com.vn will provide services and products to customers after completing the required procedures and conditions stated. Service policies will be developed and published on the website civetcoffee.com.vn.

In case a member provides information that is inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or violates the law or Vietnamese customs and traditions, civetcoffee.com.vn has the right to refuse, suspend or terminate a member's right to use the service.

Website civetcoffee.com.vn has the right to terminate membership rights and members' rights to use services if they violate the website's regulations or commit acts that affect business activities on the website.

In case of detecting activity that may cause legal liability, fraud, counterfeiting, market disruption or violation of law, civetcoffee.com.vn may immediately terminate the right to use the service and membership rights.

Upon termination of membership and rights to use the services, all membership certifications and rights will be terminated.

Website civetcoffee.com.vn retains the copyright to use services and content on the website in accordance with the law on intellectual property protection in Vietnam. Any illegal copying, use and dissemination of these proprietary rights is strictly prohibited.

Civetcoffee.com.vn has the right to change the service price list and payment method according to its needs and conditions.

b. Obligations of the Management Board civetcoffee.com.vn

Website civetcoffee.com.vn Responsible for building and deploying services by performing the following important tasks:

– Research, design and purchase necessary hardware and software equipment to ensure website operation. This includes connecting to the Internet and developing policies to serve the operation of the Website civetcoffee.com.vn within permitted scope and conditions.

– Cooperate and deploy with partners to build a service system and utility tools to support transactions of members and users on the website.

– Ensure to maintain normal operation of the website and fix problems such as technical errors, systems, personnel, natural disasters, power outages and other factors that may affect the operation of the website. However, in the case of incidents beyond its control (such as force majeure events), the website is not jointly responsible for damages caused to members.

– Develop and implement mechanisms to ensure information posting on the website occurs accurately.

– Do not post information about goods and services on the list of prohibited business according to the law and goods with restricted business according to regulations.

11. Terms of application

Any dispute arising between e-commerce website civetcoffee.com.vn and you will be resolved based on negotiation. In case the agreement is not achieved as expected, either party has the right to bring the case to the competent People's Court in Buon Ma Thuot city for resolution.
